Second Whatsapp Just for You

Furthermore, there are many android brands which provide people with two SIM card slots, such as Xiaomi, Oppo, Huawei, Vivo, Samsung and even brand-new phone like Honor also started to provide people with the double SIM card slots. Although the dual slots term may vary from one brand to another phone brand, but mostly how the system works are always the same. By having these two slots, people are likely to use two SIM cards in one phone. In other words, you just need one android phone to have two numbers and use two Whatsapp in one phone. These two slots of SIM Card can also be called the component of computer hardware since the android system is also another kind of computer system.

Let’s Install Your Second Whatsapp

If you still feel confused about how to use two Whatsapp in one phone, you can start to find out the special feature in your android phone which is called the dual app settings, once you already open this setting, you can see that there are lists of applications which are already being installed in your smartphone. Since we want to activate two Whatsapp, you can always refer to the Whatsapp application. When you already select the Whatsapp icon, your phone will start to do the process and you have to wait for it. Once the process is completed, you can just directly go back to the primary home screen of your android phone. On your home screen, you will see that there will be another Whatsapp application being installed on your device or in your app launcher. So, the last step that you need to do is by clicking your second Whatsapp application and do the special configuration by using another SIM card number. If all the steps are already done, you can start to have your second Whatsapp number which can be used directly.

Tutorial Video How to Use 2 WhatsApp on One Phone

To install 2 WhatsApp on 1 phone especially Android, you can use Virtual Android. The video guide can be watched below. In addition, if your smartphone supports the use of Second Space, you can take advantage of it without installing Virtual Android.